
The biggest obstacle to workplace productivity is inefficient technology that isn’t able to cope with the demands of hybrid working. Discover the solution, with Apogee.

Workplace Productivity

Now that hybrid working has become so widespread, issues with employee productivity have become increasingly common – with recent research identifying a lack of adequate collaborative tech as a significant obstacle when working remotely.

In fact, poor hybrid communication is causing four-in-ten employees to consider leaving their current position – with feelings of frustration, isolation, and inability to perform their job properly affecting over a quarter of our sample.

Improving workplace efficiency is made easier with the services included in Digital Workplace Solutions – and not just for hybrid teams, but for entirely office-based setups as well.

What's the Problem?

So what are generally agreed to be the common hindrances to workplace productivity?

While our research sample was near-unanimous in agreement that employees are less productive when working remotely (94%), the root cause of the problem is where stances differ between employees and upper management – as are whether it is even a priority at all.

For example, over a third of employees (35%) agree that unreliable collaboration technology is the main obstacle to their productivity - while CIOs are more likely to blame home distractions (27%) for a lack of employee efficiency. However, over three quarters (77%) of CIOs and HR Directors say that employee expectations are incompatible with the business; with the implication being that there is a lack of awareness for the cost-efficiencies that Digital Workplace Solutions create for businesses.

Case Studies

If you’re still wondering how Digital Workplace Solutions can be applied to your industry, below are some real-life examples of how our clients have improved their workplace efficiency.

Acorn Press

Now central to their production process, Process Automation software takes care of Acorn Press’ high-volume print jobs with very little staff input required – and has allowed their commercial print business to maximise employee productivity without compromising on quality.
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Used for accounting, invoicing, production recipes, and personnel records, employees of pharmaceutical company Mexichem can keep track of any documentation they require, with full audit trails – thanks to an Information Management system.
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cloud storage blue circuitry graphic

Lincoln St. Christopher's School

After having to work around outdated on-site servers for too long, Lincoln St Christopher’s School moved their IT infrastructure to a Cloud Working solution – and now benefit from enhanced online continuity for their print devices.
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teacher in class teaching university students

Bromley College

Rather than waste time sifting through physical records, authorised employees of Bromley College can now easily locate student records on their Information Management system – freeing up their time and focus for more strategic operations.
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travis perkins truck

Travis Perkins

Previously belaboured with aging tech, employees of Travis Perkins are now able to be productive and effective; with information now easily accessible through their secure Cloud Working solution.
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Maximise Employee Productivity with Apogee

For guidance of how to improve your workplace efficiency, look no further than Digital Workplace Solutions – which have been proven to bolster employee productivity across multiple industries and sectors. Examples of these can be found on our Insights page.

But why align with Apogee for your Digital Workplace Solutions? Well, productivity solutions without proper support can only go so far - and Apogee are industry leaders when it comes to Service Excellence. Having upheld a 98% resolution rate for all IT, network, and software service requests from our UK-based helpdesk, Apogee’s ongoing support has a client satisfaction of 92%.

Curious to see how they can be tailored to your business? Contact us by using the form below.

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