GDPR Next Steps and eDisclosure Technology To Be Discussed at Next Leeds Law Society Seminar
GDPR Next Steps and eDisclosure Technology To Be Discussed at Next Leeds Law Society Seminar
9 January 2018
Apogee Managed Document Centre
In need of a secure and reliable print and document outsource partner?
19 January 2018
GDPR Next Steps and eDisclosure Technology To Be Discussed at Next Leeds Law Society Seminar
GDPR Next Steps and eDisclosure Technology To Be Discussed at Next Leeds Law Society Seminar
9 January 2018
Apogee Managed Document Centre
In need of a secure and reliable print and document outsource partner?
19 January 2018

Customer Training Insight at Europe’s Largest Independent Provider of Document Technology

Frequently, organisations cite change management and training as a top consideration when investing in new print and document technology.


Although it’s commonplace to deliver sufficient training throughout the life of a contract, it’s often an overlooked and underappreciated value-added aspect of a Managed Print Service.

Frequently, organisations cite change management and training as a top consideration when investing in new print and document technology. In nearly all tender opportunities, for example, training is highlighted and procurement decision makers want to ensure positive experiences are delivered when deciding which opportunity is best for their organisation.

Regardless of an organisations size or industry, staff need to know how to make best use of technology, especially when it comes to core business activities such as printing, copying and scanning.

Lisa Cusworth, Head of Customer Training at Apogee, provides an insight into how her team helps clients adapt to new technology and processes.

Q) What do the team help clients with?

A) The team help clients understand full device operation and help with any problems they encounter. The team provides solutions for any issues and ensures customers are getting the most from their machines.

Q) Which types of organisations require the most training?

A) We deal with organisations from all types of industries and sectors. Public Sector organisations tend to require the most training such as schools and hospitals, as do solicitors, accountants and churches.

Q) Do people and organisations generally enjoy learning how to use new machines and processes?

A) I would say people generally enjoy learning how to use new machines as in doing so it can be beneficial to them by making their jobs easier. Organisations are usually extra enthusiastic as new machines and processes can help to take some of the pressure off their IT teams by reducing maintenance issues.

Q) What is the most frequently asked question from clients?

A) Popular questions include how to use a photocopier and anything to do with scanning. Clients are also interested to learn how to print onto different media types.

Q) What is the greatest challenge when training clients?

A) It can sometimes be difficult to ensure customers accept and adapt well to change, especially when certain processes have been in place for a long period of time. However this challenge is often overcome by explaining the benefits of the changes to the customers.

Q) What is the strangest thing you have been asked to demonstrate on a machine?

A) ‘Can this machine print money?’ and ‘can I re-use the waste toner to print documents?’ Someone asked ‘what weight can the plate glass take?’

To find out more about how Apogee can help your organisation optimise your performance, get in touch today by filling out the form below.


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