When dealing with litigation or investigation matters, the use of sophisticated electronic searching and review platforms is recognised as being critical, with more ‘analytics’ options helping lawyers get to the crux of the matter in the most cost-effective way.
Salford Professional Development’s second annual NHS Procurement Conference 2017 will focus on thinking and working differently to transform NHS procurement.
Apogee staff ‘rose’ to the challenge and baked a ‘mixture’ of cakes. The ‘well-kneaded’ selection of cakes, cup cakes, scones, cookies, biscuits and other treats were brought in and donations taken to help Children in Need.
Apogee will be attending The Ideal Office Event to showcase Managed Print Services and related document capabilities, and how they can optimise organisational performance.
Specialists from Apogee’s Forensic Technology and eDisclosure and Professional Services divisions hosted a seminar on GDPR to discuss strategies they can adopt to work towards regulatory compliance.
Whilst this is a potentially exciting time for healthcare providers, it is also a challenging one – the ability to adopt new systems and processes is limited by a need to keep costs low.
Printing from mobile devices is becoming much easier, as operating system vendors and hardware providers collaborate on the integration of mobile print solutions.
Apogee will be on hand to showcase their unrivalled document capabilities and expertise, with public sector specialists present to demonstrate how organisations can take full advantage of digital transformation strategies to optimise their performance.