
26 July 2019

Have You Considered What Impact Educational Establishments Have On The Environment?

As the world moves towards being more environmentally conscious, have you considered what impact schools or universities have on the environment? Given the fact the UK’s government has declared an environmental and climate emergency, it’s becoming an increasing area of focus for all organisations.
22 July 2019

Six Benefits of Cloud Print from Apogee

Six Benefits of Cloud Print from Apogee: Traditionally, documents are printed from a desktop or laptop computer that is connected to a printer, with files typically being stored in storage rooms or hardware such as USB’s.
22 July 2019

Apogee Cloud Print Service

Apogee Cloud Print (ACP) is a service which revolutionises the way organisations manage their print. It’s an all-in-one print management service designed for organisations that want to unburden themselves from running a complex IT print infrastructure.
1 July 2019

Improve Cost Efficiencies in the Healthcare Industry Through Print Management

With healthcare establishments still printing enormous amounts of documents there is always room for making money saving improvements. With an effective print management solution in place the potential to make these enhancements and savings across multiple departments fundamentally will lead into crucial areas.
11 March 2019

Optimise Your Organisation’s Print With a Print Management Solution

Optimise Your Organisation's Print Infrastructure With a Print Management Solution: A print management solution is designed to provide organisations with a smarter approach to their print infrastructure with Apogee's Managed Print Services (MPS)
24 January 2019

How Your Business Can Benefit From Cloud Print Solutions

Put simply, Cloud Printing is the technology which enables printers to be accessed over a network through Cloud Computing, whether this is through the medium of desktop computers, mobile, or tablets. Apogee offer the service of integrating our latest Cloud Print Solutions into your Managed Services. This technology boasts many benefits for businesses and users, with the most prominent listed below.
3 January 2019

Increase Efficiency with a Managed Print Service (MPS)

Being inefficient can be detrimental to productivity in the workplace because it is essential for goals and deadlines to be met and delivered on time. Work patterns are changing, with people working on multiple devices and remotely, making processes more complex. With Apogee, you can Increase Efficiency with a Managed Print Service (MPS)
2 January 2019

Reduce Environmental Impact with a Managed Print Service (MPS)

Start your year with a new print and document strategy so you can reduce your waste through rationalising printing and copying whilst cutting costs and improving security.