Hybrid Working

21 February 2024

How to reduce employee attrition in the hybrid working world

With a fifth of UK workers at high risk of leaving their jobs in 2024, and a further 12% expecting to leave before 2026, it’s increasingly clear that staff retention strategies require a rethink. Flexible working will be crucial for reducing turnover – providing, of course, that it is implemented effectively.
12 February 2024

Easy Hybrid Working: The Key to Employee Retention

Employee loyalty is more crucial than ever in the modern business landscape – but HR Directors seem hesitant to invest in tools that would actually enhance work-life balance, despite it being a top employee demand.
12 February 2024

McCambridge Duffy saves almost half a million pounds per year by partnering with Apogee

Firm eradicates costs associated with monthly IT outages, reduces postage spend and doubles client caseloads as it undergoes significant digital transformation
12 February 2024

How businesses are meeting collaboration demands for employees, Gen X to Z

Employees have recently been voicing demand for a higher calibre of collaboration technology – something which is crucial to meeting the various priorities of workers from Gen X through to Gen Z.
5 September 2023

The Big Switch Off 2027 – 7 Advantages of Switching Now

PSTN networks worldwide will be deactivated in the Big Switch-Off 2027 - and while it may seem a long way off, several advantages come from moving to digital sooner rather than later.
17 July 2023

Endpoint security isn’t enough to protect your hybrid workers from cybercrime

Now a central priority for many modern employees, hybrid working will play an active role in shaping the future of work. But what does this mean for cyber security?
28 June 2023

40% of workers ready to walk out due to inability to digitally collaborate with colleagues

One-in-five HR directors struggle to meet flexibility demands across hybrid work environments, leading to a disconnect between employees and management.
28 June 2023

39% of public sector employees frustrated with lack of tech are considering leaving their jobs

Poor collaborative digital tools are harming productivity and engagement for nearly half of workers, fuelling a divide between employees and employers.
28 June 2023

One in three employees blame lack of reliable tech for poor productivity

Despite a shortfall in the right workplace tools, over a quarter of CIOs believe home distractions are at fault for insufficient worker output.
28 June 2023

Employers and employees are more disconnected than ever. Here are four reasons why

The days of purely office-bound work five days a week are long gone for modern remote and hybrid workforces. Yet today, employers and their employees are not only separated by physical distance, but by other factors as well.